Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1921 | Purchase of worksttion with NMR software (VNMR-4.2/RHEL-6.3) for deptt. of NMR, AIIMS, New Delhi. (NMR/NRJ/Budget/15-16) | 14-08-2015 | 28-08-2015 |
(1.26 MB)
1922 | Purchase of One Additional channel for MR compatible infusion pump an accessory for existing Achieva 3T MRI for Deptt. of NMR, AIIMS(NMR/SSK/MRI/Budget/15-16) | 14-08-2015 | 28-08-2015 |
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1923 | Purchase of Purchase of consumables/accessories for ABG machine on propriety basis(anaesth/Propriety/Consumable of ABG Machine/15-16) | 13-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 |
(2.84 MB)
1924 | Purchase of Accessories/Spares/Consumables for S5 Avance Anesthesia Mahcine installed in Main O.T. on propriety basis. (Anaesth/Propriety/S/5 Avance Anesthesia machcine/15-16) | 13-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 |
(2.89 MB)
1925 | Purchase of Accessories for existing Equipment (Stryker HD Caputre Device model SDC3) for deptt. of Surgery, AIIMS, New Delhi(Ref.No. 07/Stores(DO)/Surg/Proprietary/15-16/FSC) | 13-08-2015 | 31-08-2015 |
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1926 | Proposal for procurement of reagents from M/s BD India Pvt.Ltd.Ref.No. ASO/IRCH/Proprietary/Lab Oncology/15-16) | 13-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 |
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1927 | Proprosal for procurement of Chemical from M/s Signa Aldrich, USA on Proprietary Basis. | 13-08-2015 | 27-08-2015 |
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1928 | Purchase of consumables/accessories for Aircast (Venaflow) DVT pumps which is required deptt. of Anaesthesiology, AIIMS, N.Delhi (Ref. Anaesh/Propriety/Consumables of Aricast (Venaflow) DVT Pump/15-16) | 08-08-2015 | 15-08-2015 |
(2.24 MB)
1929 | Purchase of consumables/accessoried for Bair Hugger patient warming system model 750 which is deptt. of Anaesthesiology, AIIMS, N.D.-29 | 08-08-2015 | 15-08-2015 |
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1930 | Purchase of GEN11 Machine with Probes & accessories for deptt. of Emergency medicine at AIIMS, New Delhi (Ref No. 14/Stores (DO)/emergency Med./Proprietary/15-16/FSC) | 08-08-2015 | 20-08-2015 |
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