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NameAffiliation asDurationCurrent Address
K.R. SundaramPh.D. student & Faculty1986-1991Professor & Head
Department of Biostatistics
8thFloor, Medical College Tower
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences &
Research Centre
Elamakkara P.O.  Kochi-682026
Email: krsundaram[at]aims[dot]
D.K. ShuklaPh.D. student1991-1996Consultant, ICMR, New Delhi- 110029.
Email: shukladk[at]hotmail[dot]com
V. SreenivasPh.D. student & Faculty1992-1996No 6-T, Sec-T, Jasola Vihar, Delhi-110025.
Geetha R. MenonPh.D. student1998-2002Scientist-E
ICMR-NIMS, New Delhi-110029
Email: grmenon_2000[at]yahoo[dot]com
Rajvir SinghPh.D. student & (Scientist-I)1998-2002 & (1986-2008)RZF-760A/50-II, Gali No. 3,
Raj Nagar-II
New Delhi-110045
E-mail: rajvir_aiims[at]yshoo[dot]com
Prem ChandraPh.D. student2001-2006Ventiv International Pharma Services Pvt. Ltd.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK CHR & D)
Sector No. 32, Plot No. 67,
Gurgaon, India
Email: prem_s77[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Shahina BegumPh.D. student2003-2007Scientist-E
Email: shahina_appe[at]yahoo[dot]com
Alok Kumar DwivediPh.D. student2005-2009Associate Professor,
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,
El Paso, TX 79905
Email: alok_bhu1[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Dimple KondalPh.D. student2005-2009Biostatistician
Centre for Chronic Disease Control
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
Email: dimple_guleria1[at][dot]in
Shankar KhanalPh.D. student2006-2010Professor,
Central Department of Statistics,
Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: shankar_cds[at]yahoo[dot]com
Kalaivani ManiPh.D. student2008-2013Scientist-I
Department of Biostatistics,
AIIMS, New Delhi-110029
Email: manikalaivani[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
Vineet Kumar KamalPh.D. student2010-2016Scientist ‘C’
ICMR-NIE, Chennai
Email: vineetstats[at]gmail[dot]com
Bhaskar ThakurPh.D. student2011-2017Email: bhaskarstatistics[at]gmail[dot]com
Mona PathakPh.D. student2013-2018Assistant Professor
Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India
Email: mona.pathak19[at]gmail[dot]com
Ashish Datt UpadhyayPh.D. student2012-2019Jr. Statistician
Department of Biostatistics,
AIIMS, New Delhi-110029
Email: adu361976[at]rediffmail[dot]com
C.P. YadavPh.D. student2013-2019Scientist ‘B’
ICMR-NIMR, Dwarka, Delhi
Email: cpyadav123[at]gmail[dot]com
Mr. Vishwajeet SinghPh.D. student2014-2020Email: vishu.bhu1[at]gmail[dot]com