Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2051 | Purchase of Cadaver Freezer (Morgue Refrigerator) -02 Nos, for the Deptt. of Neurosurgery, AIIMS on proprietary basis (Ref. No. 29/Stores/NS/SS/2014-15/RS) | 27-03-2015 | 13-04-2015 |
(314.3 KB)
2052 | Purchase of Micro Amp Fast optical 48 well reaction plate (pack size 30 trays) (Cat No.4357816) & 48-well optical Adhesive Film (Pack size 100)(Cat No. 4375323) Mkae: Life Technologies International Ins. at Center for Community Medicine, AIIMS on proprietary basis | 24-03-2015 | 09-04-2015 |
(2.29 MB)
2053 | Quotation of IHC Detection Kit deptt of NMR, AIIMS on proprietary basis | 21-03-2015 | 06-04-2015 |
(8.18 MB)
2054 | Detailed Specifications for MRI compatible SPO2 probe Qty.1 on proprietary basis. | 21-03-2015 | 06-04-2015 |
(8.34 MB)
2055 | Purchase of Nextera Rapid Capture Exome and Expanded Exome Enrichment kit, for the Deptt of Pediatrics on proprietary basis | 21-03-2015 | 06-04-2015 |
prop res sect 21-3-15.pdf
(255.07 KB)
2056 | Purchase of SDP kits with Acid Solution for EHS/BPl patients.( 09/Hsop.Store/Proprietary/2014-15/Surgical) | 20-03-2015 | 02-04-2015 |
NIT BALLABGARH 20-3-15.pdf
(233.11 KB)
2057 | Purchase of "Consumable for Bimolecular (Antibodies)"" for the deptt. of geriatric Medicine on proprietary basis - inviting comments thereon.(Ref.No.88/Stores(DO)/Geriatric Med./Proprietary/2014-15/FSC | 20-03-2015 | 06-04-2015 |
proprietary 20-3-15.pdf
(254.23 KB)
2058 | Purchase of SDP Kits with Acid Solution for EHS/BPL Patients on proprietary basis for use in a research project-Inviting comments thereon. | 19-03-2015 | 02-04-2015 |
(590.94 KB)
2059 | Purchase of ABl-48 well Realtime RT-PCR Plates (Cat.No.4375282) And ABI Adhesive Film for 48 Well Realtime RT-PCR Plates (Cat. No.4375323) Make: Life Technologies International Inc. at Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 on proprietary basis for use in a research project-Inviting comments thereon. | 19-03-2015 | 02-04-2015 |
(2.33 MB)
2060 | Purchase of HD Operating Microscope (with built-in OCT) - 01 No. (under buy back of existing zeiss microscope) for Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon. | 19-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 |
(232.09 KB)