Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2011 | Purchase of Non Sterile Battery (Cat. No.6126-110-000)-9 Nos. for Battery operated Drill/Reamer and Saw system 6 Make M/s Stryker, USA installed in Orhto. O.T. On proprietary basis. | 03-06-2015 | 18-06-2015 |
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2012 | Purchase of Accessory-Aseptic Battery Kit (Cat. No.6126-120-000)-3 Nos. for Battery operated Drill/Reamer and Saw system 6 Make M/s Stryker, USA installed in Orhto. O.T. On proprietary basis. | 03-06-2015 | 18-06-2015 |
(288.51 KB)
2013 | Purchase of Olympus Low Pressure Gas Tube, Past Code MAJ-1742, Deptt of Gastro, AIIMS(Ref. 09/Gastro./Proprietary/Endoscopic Accessory/Low pressure Gas Tube/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 12-06-2015 |
(642.4 KB)
2014 | Purchase of Grasping Foreceps, Part Code FG-22Q, Deptt of Gastro.,AIIMS(Ref. 08/Gastro./Proprietary/Endoscopic Accessory/Grasping Forceps/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 12-06-2015 |
(692.96 KB)
2015 | Purchase of Probe qPCR Master Mix,Cat#75650 Deptt. of Gastro., AIIMS (Ref. 05/Gastro./Proprietary/Master Mix/Lab Consumables/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 10-06-2015 |
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2016 | Purchase of Mechanical Lithotriptor V, Part Code BML-V242qr-30, Deptt. of Gastro, AIIMS(Ref. 07/Gastro./Proprietary/Endoscopic Accessory/Lithotriptor V/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 12-06-2015 |
(858.64 KB)
2017 | Purchase of Probe qPCR Master Mix, CAT# 75700 Deptt. of Gastro.,AIIMS (Ref. 04/Gastro./Proprietary/Master Mix/Lab. Consumables/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 10-06-2015 |
(731.25 KB)
2018 | Quotation for proprietary item PCI EtO Cartridge and packing material of EtO gas sterilizer for the Deptt. of Radio-diagnosis , AIIMS (Ref. No.2/Prop./15-16/RD/AIIMS) | 02-06-2015 | 16-06-2015 |
(95.36 KB)
2019 | Purchase of Stimulan Rapid Cure 5cc & 10cc (Ref. No.Sr.SO/JPNATC/Proprietary/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 20-06-2015 |
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2020 | Purchase of O-Arm Drape for O-Arm Machine (Ref. No. Sr.SO/JPNATC/Proprietary/15-16) | 02-06-2015 | 20-06-2015 |
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