Sr. No. | Title | Date | Document |
51 | Replacement of worn out batteries of 12 Volts, 100AH for the existing 10/15 KVA UPS in Deptt. of Edocrindogy & Metabolism at AIIMS, New Delhi. (Engg/Elect/NIT-112/EE(E)/14-15/2502/1530-36) | - |
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52 | SITC of internal PNG pipe line in main kitchen at Trauma Centre of AIIMS, New Delhi. (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT118/13-14/2505/1537-43) | - |
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53 | Special repair of CT-8 electrical riser in PC & Teaching block at AIIMS (SH: Replacement of old model non-repairable rod type electrical riser with latest compact enclosed riser switch MCCB type tape off box) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT96/13-14/1544-50) | - |
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54 | S/R Resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar (South) (Sh:Renovation of Flate No.E/32 and One No flats) at AIIMS. | - | - |
55 | Special repair of Edward make addressable type fire alarm system at CDER, AIIMS, New Delhi. (Engg/Elect/EE/NIT130/E/14-15/5213/1631-37) | - |
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56 | Renovation of CTVS OT-1 to 5 & corridors Ist floor at CNC, AIIMS (SH: A.C. modification works) ( Engg./AC&R/NIT-08/15-16/407) | - | - |
57 | M/O E.I.& Fans at Hawa Singh block AGVC at AIIMS (SH: running operation of E.I. & fans)( Engg./Elect/EE(E)/NIT-17/15-16/2484) | - | - |
58 | P/F Geysers in isolation Dr. Duty rooms & Genreral Toolet/Bathroom in wards of Ward block, AIIMS, N.D. ( Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT-19/15-16/2482) | - |
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59 | All in comprehensive maintenance and day to day functioning of the Air Cooled chiller unit and associated system of RKAK OPD AIIMS, N.D.(Engg./AC&R/NIT-66/15-16/404) | - |
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60 | P/F RO Water purifiers units for Nursing Staff & Resident Doctors in Ward Block at AIIMS, N.D. (Engg./Elect/EE/NIT122/E/14-15/2491) | - |
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