Sr. No. | Title | Date | Document |
21 | Up gradation of front facia of OPD entrance in Dr. R.P. Centre for opthalmic science at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-1/NIT-1-A/CD-II/2015-16/5707/1632-39) | - |
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22 | A/R and M/O Gents Hostel (SH: Internal painting of Biotech, PMR workshop, motor arrage gas plant and allied areas) at AIIMS. (Engg./CD-16/NIT-16-A/CD-II/2015-16/5693/1677-84) | - |
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23 | Renovation of Qtr. No.CII/12 in E.Campus resdl. Qtrs at Ansari Nagar, AIIMS. (Engg./CW-29/NIT-29/CD-II/2015-16/5706/1624-31) | - |
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24 | A/R and M/O M. Moth (SH: Replacement of rain water drainage system along foot path at type II flats in M. Moth) at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-15/NIT-15/CD-II/2015-16/5684/1616-23) | - |
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25 | S/R resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar (North) (SH: Internal finishing of type III qtrs. on day to day complaints) at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-22/NIT-22/CD-II/2015-16/5691/1693-1700) | - |
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26 | Renovation of Qtr. No. E/68 Eastern Campus resdl. Qtrs. at Ansari Nagar, AIIMS. (Engg/CW-27/NIT-27/CD-II/2015-16/5720/1814-21) | - | - |
27 | M/O E.I. & fans at Trauma Centre of AIIMS (SH:AMC of 8KVA/40KVA APC make UPS). (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT24/15-16/2507/1569-75) | - |
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28 | Special repairs in O.T. Complex in Dr.R.P. Centre (PHASE-III) (SH: Finising work in O.T. and other places) at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-12/NIT-12/CD-II/2015-16/5609/1188-95) | - |
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29 | Special repairs in O.T. Complex in Dr.R.P. Centre (PHASE-I) (SH: Provision of anti-bacterial and anti-skid conductive PVC flooring in balance area in G.A. & L.A. side) at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-11/NIT-11/CD-II/2015-16/5611/1196-1203) | - |
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30 | S/R to outreach OPD Badsha (SH: Leveling of depressed main road) of Jhajjar of AIIMS. (Engg./CW-137/NIT-136/CD-II/2014-15/5616/1204-11) | - |
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