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Preventive Oncology NCI:

Preventive oncology includes measures that are taken to prevent the development or delay progression of cancer. Cancer prevention is taken on three major levels:

(A). Primary Cancer Prevention: It focuses on health promotion, identifying causative factors and reducing the risk of cancer. For example, alcohol and tobacco cessation, weight reduction, vaccination, healthy lifestyle, etc.

(B) Secondary Cancer Prevention: It focuses on early cancer detection through screening before the onset of symptoms when the cancers are likely to be treated successfully. For example, mammography, HPV-DNA test, oral visual inspection, PSA test, etc.

(C) Tertiary Cancer Prevention: It focuses on delaying the progression and preventing the complications like secondary malignancies after cancer diagnosis.

Why it's important: 

Cancer prevention is done at both individual and community level for reducing the risk and incidence of cancer. By preventing cancer, the number of new cases of cancer will be lowered and thus reducing overall cancer burden. Early diagnosis will lead to optimal cancer management and improved survival. 

Preventive Oncology at NCI-Jhajjar envisages to

develop evidence-based approaches and technical resources for cancer prevention and control in India through:

  • Development of clinical and operational mandates for effective implementation of cancer prevention and early detection strategies in the country.
  • Capacity building in cancer prevention, early detection, & management, and improved referral networking.
  • Implementing community awareness and educational programs in cancer prevention and control.
  • Translational research in the area of cancer prevention and control.