Presentation (Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care)
List of papers presented/Lecture delivered in conferences/CME in last five years
Prof. DilipShende
Principles Challenges in pediatric ophthalmic anaesthesia, Topical Anesthesia. 61st Annual National Conference of India Society of Anaesthetists, 26-29th December 2013, Gauhati Medical College Convention Centre.
Attended the Annual Conference of Regional nal Society Anaesthetists and Clinical Pharmacology held at Srinagar,Kashmir, September 2013. Chaired the Session “Anaesthesia for Robotic surgeries.”
Ophthalmic blocks: PACON-2015, 7th National Conference of Indian Association of Paediatric Anesthesiologist, PGIMER Chandigarh 20th–22nd February, 2015.
Anaesthesia for Urological Robotic Surgery, North Zone ISACON, 31st October-2nd November 2014, Acharya Srichandra College of Medical Sciences Sidhra,Jammu
Anaesthetic implications of Robotic Urological Procedures, 11th SAARC-AA Congress 16th SAN National Conference 2015. 26-28th February 2015, Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza Kathmandu, Nepal
Chairperson Scientific session, 7th South Asian Regional Pain Society Congress, 22-24Aug, 2014. Deptt.of pain palliative medicine Gujrat cancer Research institute, Ahemedabad
Faculty, (Sub-Tenon Block): AIIMS Ultra Sound Regional anaesthesia workshop, 28-29th April 2015, JLN Auditorium,AIIMS, New Delhi.
Effects of addition of Clonidine 15,25,35 µgms. to spinal Heavy bupivacaine 10 mg on Sub arachnoid block charecteristicks in patients undergoing TURP/TURBT. ASA-2013 American Society of Anaesthetists 2013. Sanfrasisco, USA.
Evaluation of Hemodynamic Changes and Fluid Responsiveness in Lithotomy and Prone Position by Stroke Volume Variation During Volume Controlled Ventilation in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. ASA-2013 American Society of Anaesthetists 2013. Sanfrasisco, USA.
Effect of Adding Midazolam to PCEA with Morphine and Bupivacaine on Post Thoracotomy Analgesia. ASA-2013 American Society of Anaesthetists 2013. Sanfrasisco, USA.
Dr. AnjolieChhabra
Perioperative monitoring and anaesthetic issues during robotic surgery. Symposium on Anaesthesia for Robotic Surgery.PGIMER Chandigarh. 18th April 2015
Management of a 2year old child with Pierre Robin sequence who develops acute airway edema following tonsillectomy. 7th National Conference of the Indian Association of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists. PGIMER Chandigarh. 22nd Feb 2015
Malignant Hyperthermia in India. 6th Annual Conference of the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists. Narayan Hridyalaya. Bengaluru on 21st Nov 2014.
Perioperative fluid therapy in Paediatric patients. Comprehensive Review in Anaesthesiology Critical care. SN Medical College Agra on 8th Nov 2014.
Paravertebral block- nerve block of promise. Principles and practice of Pediatric Anaesthesia.PGIMER Chandigarh 28th Sept 2014.
Anticoagulants and antiplatelets implications for the regionalists. 4th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia (AORA) of India. New Delhi, 20th Sep 2014.
Pro-con debate on “Regional anaesthesia for Bronchitic vasculopath on antiplatelets. Cadence 2014 (Cardiovascular disease in Noncardiac surgery);Medanta, the Medicity on 13th September 2014.
Anaesthesia in a pregnant patient for fetal surgery. Examination- Oriented Refresher Course for Anaesthesia Postgraduate students (EORCAPS 2014) organised by GTB Hospital, New Delhi on 5th Sept 2014.
USG Paravertebral and TAP blocks. AIIMS Ultrasound guided workshop held on the 18th of Jan 2014.
Hypothyroidism: what anaesthesiologists should know. International Symposium on Endocrine Anesthesia (ISEA) held at AIIMS New Delhi on 30th Nov-1st Dec 2013.
Adverse drug reactions in Ophthalmic Anaesthesia - recognition and management presented at the 3rd World Congress of Ophthalmic Anaesthesia, held in Ankara, Turkey on the 25th of May 2012.
Etomidate is it close to being an ideal induction agent ?, lecture deliveredISACON 2011 or the 59th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists held at Mumbai 26th- 29th of December 2011.
Dr. Dalim Kumar Baidya
Invited lecture on ‘Perioperative Ultrasonography’ in SAARC Anesthesia and critical care conference in Nepal - February, 2015
Chairperson in National Annual conference on Pediatric Anesthesia (PACON 2015) Feb 2015
Chairperson in ‘Perioperative Transplant Medicine’ CME in Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh on 18th April, 2014
Faculty in Airway Management workshop in AIIMS-Pulmonary Critical Care Update (PULMOCRIT-2014) in February 2014.
Lecture on Role of Magnesium in Obstetric Anesthesia in Association of Obstetric Anesthesia Annual conference (AOACON-2013) in October 2013 in Mangalore
Lecture on Pediatric Regional Anesthesia in Fortis Medical Research Institute, Gurgaon in Pediatric Anesthesia CME Update in July 2013.
Dr. Devalina Goswami
Indian Society of Anesthesiologist conference (ISACON 2013) December 26th – 29th, Guwahati 2013. Topic: Transfusion induced Acute Lung Injury
Indian Society of Anesthesiologist conference (ISA Delhi Chapter 2013) 6th – 7th April, Delhi 2013. Topic: Oxygen: Friend or foe. “Pros Con” session.
Equipments in anaesthesia: Lecture Demonstration. Exam oriented refresher course for anaesthesia post graduate students (EORCAPS): 13-21st Sept 2013. EORCAPS 2014 : Lecture on” Intubating Aids” in Exam oriented refresher course for anaesthesia post graduate students on 7.9 2014
AURA 2015: Conducted workstations as faculty in AIIMS ultrasound regional workshop on 28th -29th March 2015. (Image optimization in USG and Anatomy of ankle for block)
Dr. PreetMohinder Singh
“ Your paper is not accepted- Why ?” in WISACON-2013 by ISA Rajasthan branch on 28-09-2013 at Udaipur
Invited to conduct a workshop on “Mechanical Ventilation“in WISACON-2013 by ISA Rajasthan branch on 27-09-2013 at Udaipur
Invited to give guest lecture “History of Anesthesia” World Anesthesia day. 2013- PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Interpretation of ABGs Post Graduate Assembly North Zone (PGANZ 2015) under the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists and the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists. February 2015, VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital
Use of information technology in Anesthesia teachingIndian Society of Anaesthesiologist’s Annual Conference (Delhi Chapter), April 2014 NAS Centre, Pusa Institute
PECS block hands on workshop, AIIMS Ultrasound Regional Anaesthesia workshop-2015 March 2015.AIIMS
Dr. Praveen Talawar
Rescue Blocks for upper limb -hands on workshop, AIIMS Ultrasound Regional Anaesthesia workshop-March 2015.AIIMS, New Delhi
Thoracic paravertebral block and Lumbar plexus block- Dissected cadaver anatomy workshop, AIIMS Ultrasound Regional Anesthesia Workshop- March 2015, AIIMS, New Delhi.