OPD Appointment

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

Emergency Dashboard

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण

Application are invited from suitable officers for filling up one post of Public Relation Officer (ON DEPUTATION BASIS) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 10000-325-15200 in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.


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