क्रमांक | शीर्षक | तारीख | डाउनलोड |
91 | A/R & M/O to Ward Block (SH: Annual Comprehensive maintenance to Sensor Operated doors at 8th floor, OT Block) at AIIMS.(Engg/Con/W-51/NIT-52B/CD-I/14-15/5490) ) | - |
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92 | A/R and M/O to JPNATC (SH: Annual Repair and Maintenance of all multi-storeyed block of Trauma Center) AIIMS ( Engg/Con/W-72/NIT-73/CD-I/14-15/5510/478-85) | - |
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93 | S/R to resdl. Campus at A.V.Nagar (SH: Premix carpeting of damaged road of the Campus )at AIIMS ( Engg/CW-74/NIT-72B/CD-II/14-15/5503/464-71) | - |
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94 | M/O E.I.& fans at C.N.Center at AIIMS (SH: Comp.Maint. of Emerson make UPS system in CT^-6 and CT-$ ward) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT01/15-16/2452/533-39) | - |
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95 | A/R & M/O NDDT Ghaziabad. (SH: Annual maintenance contract for civil engineering works at Hostel, office and works) of AIIMS ( Engg/CW-43/NIT-42C/CD-II/14-15/5504) | - |
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96 | Renovation of AB-1 Ward in Ward Block at AIIMS ( Engg/Con/W-73/NIT-74/CD-I/14-15/5466/225-32) | - |
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97 | S/R to resdl.qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: P/F steel support for CI & CII type chajja in Eastern Campus ) in AIIMS (Engg/CW-125/NIT-123/CD-II/14-15/5451/157-64) | - |
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98 | A/R and M/O New Private Wards, ladies Hostels. (SH: Internal painting of rooms in Hostel No. 9,10,11 RPC-I & II) at AIIMS (Engg/Con/W-78/NIT-79/CD-I/14-15/5468/217-24) | - |
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99 | S/R to resdl.qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH : Repl. of old w/o wooden door with new FRP door shutter in Eastern Campus qtrs. for day to day complaints) at AIIMS (Engg/CW-126/NIT-124/CD-II/14-15/5450/173-80) | - |
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100 | Renovation of P.G.Rooms (21 Nos.) in Hostel No.7 & 8 as per sample room renovated in Gents Hostel of AIIMS (Engg/CW-124/NIT-122/CD-II/14-15/5448/165-72) | - |
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