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Professor and Officer In-Charge of Community Ophthalmology

Dr Praveen Vashist

Email: praveenvashist[at]yahoo[dot]com

  Dr Praveen Vashist

As Officer In-Charge of Community Ophthalmology at the apex ophthalmic institute of the country, I have been instrumental in developing models for community outreach services and strengthening epidemiological research and training in the field of community eye care. I have been Principal Investigator of 42 research and community eye care projects implemented in RP Centre in partnership with international, national organizations including WHO, NPCBVI, ICMR, DST, SightSavers, Operation Eyesight Universal, VisionSpring, ORBIS, LCIF and CBM. I have more than 80 publications in international and national peer-reviewed journals. I have delivered more than 300 lectures as resource person/faculty in conferences and CMEs organized at international and national level. I routinely provide technical assistance to NPCBVI and was appointed as Principal Investigator for the National Blindness Survey 2015-19 and National Trachoma Surveys 2014-17. As an outcome of this National Trachoma Survey, Government of India declared elimination of active trachoma among children in India. I have also been appointed by WHO as member of dossier review committee for elimination of Trachoma in Nepal and Myanmar. I have been involved in blindness control and rehabilitation activities with WHO SEARO and coordinating the activities of WHO-Collaborative Centre for Prevention of Blindness at RP Centre, AIIMS. I am also Vice President and key resource person for Vision 2020-Right to Sight, India.

Awards and Honors:

Awards and Honors
YearTitle of AwardAwarding Body
2010Commonwealth scholarship for the MSc Community Eye Health Course at London school of Hygiene Tropical Medicine, London, UKCommonwealth UK
2014AIIMS Excellence Research AwardAIIMS, New Delhi
2014Exemplary individual contribution in the field of Community Eye Care ServicesCOSI
2014GOLD MEDAL" for services in community eye care and trachoma surveysACOIN
2016AIIMS Excellence Award for Certificate of Commendation under clinical researchAIIMS, New Delhi
2019Awarded by MoH FW, Nirman Bhawan for taking “Initiatives for eye care awareness for MOHFW.DGHS, Govt of India
2019Awarded Ophthalmic Ratna awardManthan EHC foundation, Haryana

Research and Community Outreach Projects –Principal Investigator in last five years (2015 onwards)

Research and Community Outreach Projects
Sr. NoProject TitleSource of FundingYear
1Regional pilot model to integrate Low Vision and Vision Rehabilitation Services at various levels of Health care delivery system through a Person- Centered Approach involving Assistive TechnologyWHO2020
2Mapping of Human Resource Infrastructure for Pediatric eye care services in IndiaOrbis2020
3Correlation between outdoor activity as measured by UV radiation exposure and myopic refractive error in school going children in New Delhi (C0-PI)Orbis2019-20
4Prospective audits of the phenotype, causes and correlates of Trichiasis: A WHO Trachoma Collaborative Study (Co-PI)WHO2019-2020
5To evaluate the effect of increased outdoor activity on the incidence and progression of myopia in school children (Co-PI)DST2017-2019
6Vision Screening and Eyeglasses Dispensing Program for Students in Delhi SchoolsVisionspring2017-2019
7Multi-centric study of impact of exposure to Ultra Violet Radiation (UVR) aerosol exposure on ocular health in India Phase 2 (Co-PI)ICMR2018-2023
8A Sustainable Model for Comprehensive Outreach Eye Care Service for underserved population in Delhi Slums and resettlement coloniesDeepalaya2017-2022
9A Sustainable Model for Comprehensive Outreach Eye Care Service for underserved population in Delhi and NCRSparsh2017-2022
10A Sustainable Model for Comprehensive Outreach Eye Care Service in NCR- DharuheraHeromotors2017-20
11A Sustainable Model for Comprehensive Outreach Eye Care Service in NCR- TauruDeepalaya2017-2022
12Community Ophthalmology Programme in South DelhiDeepalaya2017-18
13An Operational Research on Developing Disability Inclusive Eye Health Program in India (Co-PI)CBM2016-2020
14Operational Research project on strengthening integrated primary eye care in urban vulnerable populations of Delhi”Sightsavers2016-19
15National Blindness Survey- Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness and diabetic retinopathy in India: Epidemiological Study of avoidable blindness in IndiaNPCB, Govt of India2015-19