Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1751 | Extension of date of submission of quotations.(R.E. No.16/FMT/14-15 & 17/FMT/14-15) | 18-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 |
(304.56 KB)
1752 | Rate Enquiry for purchase of 32 inches LED Television for CRHSP, Ballabgarh Hostels.(S.R.E. No.47/14-15/CRHSP-AIIMS/Ballabgarh/961) | 18-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 |
(590.05 KB)
1753 | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items are required for C.N. Centre. AIIMS.,(RE.No.82/CNC/CTVS/2014-15/ST.) | 17-03-2015 | 27-03-2015 |
(195.41 KB)
1754 | Short Rate Enquiry for Purchase of Dental Items under Department of Neurology, AIIMS, New Delhi.(Short Rate Enquiry No.38/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 16-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 |
(186.51 KB)
1755 | Extension of the last Date for Submission of Bid Regarding Rate enquiry Rate enquiry for Laptop for Research Project (Project Code No.1878) | 16-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 |
(87.28 KB)
1756 | Short Rate Enquiry for Designing and Printing of Brochures with Envelopes and Pamphlets under Department of Neurology, AIIMS, New Delhi. (Ref. Short Rate Enquiry No.43/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 16-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 |
(165.16 KB)
1757 | Short Rate Enquiry for Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis with Power Pack under Department of Neurology, AIIMS, New Delhi. (Ref. Short Rate Enquiry No.44/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 16-03-2015 | 23-03-2015 |
(519.28 KB)
1758 | Short Rate Enquiry for Purchase of Medical Items under Department of Neurology,AIIMS,New Delhi.(Ref. No..Short Rate Enquiry No.42/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 14-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 |
(254.72 KB)
1759 | Short Rate Enquiry for Purchase of Micropippettes under Department of Neurology,AIIMS,New Delhi.(Ref. No..Short Rate Enquiry No.41/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 14-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 |
(144.5 KB)
1760 | Short Rate Enquiry for Purchase of Plastic wares under Department of Neurology,AIIMS,New Delhi.(Ref. No..Short Rate Enquiry No.40/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 14-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 |
(160 KB)