Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Uploading | Date of Closing | Document |
291 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of LAB TECHNICIAN in the DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEROLOGY, AIIMS |
(279.73 KB)
292 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Applications are invited for the positions in Research Project in Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(263.77 KB)
293 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow(Non Medical) in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine & Sleep Disorders, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(205.67 KB)
294 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Applications are invited for the post of Research Associates(RA) in the Department of N.M.R, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(273.8 KB)
295 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Scientist-I in the Department of Biophysics, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(192.3 KB)
296 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Scientist-B in the Department of Clinical Microbiology & Molecular Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(108.64 KB)
297 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in the Department of Paediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(213.71 KB)
298 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Senior Research FelloW(SRF) in the Department of Medical Oncology, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(181.23 KB)
299 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Paediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(228.85 KB)
300 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Research Officer in the Department of NDDTC, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(247.43 KB)