Sr. No. | Title | Date | Document |
101 | S/R to resdl. qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: renovation of Qtr. No. E/94 in Eastern Campus) at AIIMS (Engg/CW-130/NIT-128/CD-II/14-15/5453/189-96) | - |
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102 | Renovation of Gait Analysis room, waiting area, store, other rooms and construction of disabled toiled of PMR workshop at AIIMS (Engg/CW-131/NIT-129/CD-II/14-15/5449/181-88) | - |
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103 | P/F of M.S Pipes and Butterfly valves from OPD main header to main OT header inter connection at DR.R.P.Center, AIIMS (Engg/AC&R/NIT-57/14-15/399/299-305) | - |
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104 | M/O WTAC unit and at AIIMS (SH: All in comprehensive maintenance of Desert Coolers of capacity 3000/4000cmh at outer area AIIMS ( Engg/AC&R/NIT-58/14-15/398/306-12) | - |
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105 | S/R resdl.Campus at A.V. Nagar (North) (SH: Pdg. fixing wooden almirah,cupboard shutters and covering of loft in new Type III qtrs) at AIIMS ( Engg/CW-128/NIT-126/Cd-II/14-15/5467/209-16) | - |
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106 | Provision of Air handling unit for Ist floor computer facility, Dr.Cafeteria & Conference room & Ground floor waiting area at JPNATC at AIIMS (Engg/AC&R/NIT-60/15-16/397/319-25) | - |
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107 | M/O E.I & fans in Ward Block at AIIMS (SH: Comp. maint. of Labotek make UPS System installed in IVF, Main OT & D5 ICU ( Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NITnil/14-15/2438/343-49) | - |
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108 | Running Operation of Pump sets (Water Services) at Trauma Centre at AIIMS (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT119/14-15/2437/336-42) | - |
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109 | M/O WTAC & Ref. works at AIIMS (SH: All in comprehensive maintenance/servicing contract at WTAC units, Split AC units, Water coolers of P.C & Teaching block New Med.OPD at AIIMS (Engg/AC&R/NIT62/14-15/400/356-62) | - |
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110 | Renovation of CSSD ground floor OPD Block at AIIMS (Engg.Con/W-75/NIT-76/CD-I/2014-15/5445/119-126) | - |
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